Customize Filters for Android Devices

Michael Mason

Last Update 6 miesięcy temu

Premium & Patron Members Can Customize Filters for a Specific Android Device Regardless of How It Connects to the Internet.
Using "DNS over TLS" on an Android will allow you to:1) Enforce encrypted "DNS over TLS" on a specific Android device,
2) Customize the filter settings for a specific Android device, and
3) Enforce those specific filter settings regardless of how the Android is connected to the internet (e.g. home Wi-Fi, guest Wi-Fi, or Cellular data plan)
Follow these steps:

1) IMPORTANT STEP: Log into your FreeFiltering account on the Android device you want to filter. So, if you want to filter Johnny's Android phone, open a browser on Johnny's Android phone and log into If you can't remember your password, enter your Mobile Phone #, leave the Password field blank, and tap "Text Me a Code Instead".

Tap the Profile dropdown to select the specific device you want to filter. If you don't see the Profile dropdown, you need to first create a sub-profile (unless you want the settings from your main profile applied to all your devices). You can create a sub-profile for a specific device by clicking "create new sub-profile" under "Additional User/Device Profiles" toward the bottom of the page (you'll only see this option if you're on the Main Profile). Create an easy-to-remember nickname for the profile that indicates what device this FreeFiltering profile will be used for (e.g. Child Name - Android Phone). Then customize the filter settings you want applied for this specific FreeFiltering profile on this specific Android device.

Tap the pencil to create an easy-to-remember name describing the device to be filtered (e.g. "Child Name - Android" in our example).

2) Once you've created the profile, you'll select if from the dropdown.

3) Ensure that the relevant profile has been selected for the family member / Android device you are currently using. The username with random letters is specific to this profile/device and is incorporated into the "DNS over TLS" URL. Copy the "DNS over TLS" URL to your clipboard.  Ensure there are no spaced before or after the URL when copying & pasting.
4) Go to the Android's "Settings" app and open "Network & internet".
5) Tap "Private DNS".  Paste the "DNS over TLS" URL you previously copied.
7) You should now see the unique "DNS over TLS" URL for this FreeFiltering profile listed under "Private DNS":
8) IMPORTANT: Be sure to sign out of on this device, especially if you don't want this Android user to have access to your FreeFiltering settings!

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