Customize Filters for Android Devices
Michael Mason
Last Update há 4 meses
2) Customize the filter settings for a specific Android device, and
3) Enforce those specific filter settings regardless of how the Android is connected to the internet (e.g. home Wi-Fi, guest Wi-Fi, or Cellular data plan)
1) IMPORTANT STEP: Log into your FreeFiltering account on the Android device you want to filter. So, if you want to filter Johnny's Android phone, open a browser on Johnny's Android phone and log into If you can't remember your password, enter your Mobile Phone #, leave the Password field blank, and tap "Text Me a Code Instead".
Tap the Profile dropdown to select the specific device you want to filter. If you don't see the Profile dropdown, you need to first create a sub-profile (unless you want the settings from your main profile applied to all your devices). You can create a sub-profile for a specific device by clicking "create new sub-profile" under "Additional User/Device Profiles" toward the bottom of the page (you'll only see this option if you're on the Main Profile). Create an easy-to-remember nickname for the profile that indicates what device this FreeFiltering profile will be used for (e.g. Child Name - Android Phone). Then customize the filter settings you want applied for this specific FreeFiltering profile on this specific Android device.
Tap the pencil to create an easy-to-remember name describing the device to be filtered (e.g. "Child Name - Android" in our example).
2) Once you've created the profile, you'll select if from the dropdown.