Do You Log DNS Requests?
Michael Mason
Last Update il y a 4 mois
For users on the free plan, the past 30 days of DNS requests are logged to your account by default. This gives you a nice data-set to analyze your family's browsing activity if you decide to upgrade to a Premium plan. Here is an example of what the Analytics dashboard looks like for Premium users:
As a Premium member, you can:
1) See detailed reports on which domains were "allowed" or "blocked".
2) Search your DNS request history by device / profile.
3) View DNS requests in real-time by device / profile.
4) Download DNS requests by device / profile.
5) Choose the amount of time DNS logs are kept in your account.
6) Turn off DNS logging completely.
7) Delete your DNS log history.
Privacy for your DNS requests:
1) We will never look at your account's DNS request logs unless you ask for help with a specific technical support issue that necessitates it.
2) We will never share your DNS history with any other company or individual.